Off to London for Neetsmarketing : Social Media course for Writers


So yesterday I set off early in the morning to make my way to the train station for my journey to London Bridge. Here I joined my writer friend Suzi Bamblett and we headed towards the Holiday Inn in Bloomsbury, via the tube to Russell Square. My rucksack was loaded up with a laptop, charger, mouse, ipad, chargers and notebooks of course. A writer can’t go out without a notebook. The weight was enormous. I now understand how a packhorse must feel. Anyway enough about that, let’s get to the juicy bit.

We arrived at the hotel and found the training room. Here we met the lovely Anita Chapman from Neetsmarketing. I’d already had the privilege to meet her on facebook, she is just as lovely in person, great personality and easy to get along with.

The conference room was well laid out. A big room, comfortable chairs and desk space, notebooks and pens provided. Coffee, water, cookies and pastries were available on tap. A large projector screen hung on the wall, for slides, so no danger about me not being able to see.


After general introductions from all, Anita began the day with Twitter. I don’t mind telling you that my brain turned to mush. I imagine it must be similar to how eggs feel when scrambled. However, after a good night’s rest it seems I took in a lot more than I had realised.

Anita provided tips, throughout the day of how to raise our profile on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Learning about the technical sides of social media, for instance, tweet deck and how to schedule on twitter, where only part of what I enjoyed about the day. It was a delight to meet new writers and add them to my already growing writers’ network. We were able to get to know each other over a nice cooked lunch with plenty on offer for vegetarians, such as me. The hotel placed our table in a quiet setting so we could hear each other speak. I believe there’s nothing worse when you’re in a restaurant and you can’t have a conversation because it’s too loud.

One thing I have learned, not just from yesterday but including, and that is writers support each other. Writers help each other. Writers are thrilled when another has a success. That’s what I love about being a writer and living in my writer’s world.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Anita’s courses – check out her website details below.

6 thoughts on “Off to London for Neetsmarketing : Social Media course for Writers

  1. neetswriter May 7, 2017 / 12:45 pm

    Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful post about yesterday’s course, Tricia! I’m so glad you enjoyed the day and found the course helpful. It was lovely to meet you in person, and I wish you lots of success with your writing and social media!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Maureen May 7, 2017 / 8:11 pm

    So glad to hear about your day, Tricia. Tweet deck! It is a different language. But, of course, you’re a writer so we’ll have a poem sometime soon about it all.


    • Patricia M Osborne May 7, 2017 / 8:13 pm

      Ha, thank you, Maureen. It was all a different language to me too yesterday. A poem – well it is a tweet and we all know how much I love my bird poems. lol.


  3. amber562 May 8, 2017 / 11:19 am

    Very happy to hear your day was good. Ha ha re tweety bird poem. Looking forward to a catch up with you and Sue and maybe Lou & whoever. x


    • Patricia M Osborne May 8, 2017 / 1:28 pm

      Yes it was great Amber. Private message or email me so we can work out a plan. x


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